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Dubai College unveils brand new SPACE; sports and arts centre

Article-Dubai College unveils brand new SPACE; sports and arts centre

Dubai College Exterior
Godwin Austen Johnson (GAJ), Dubai based architects recently completed the new Sports & Performing Arts Centre of Excellence (The SPACE) for the Dubai College.


The all new SPACE is the most ambitious project of the planned upgrade of the school to date. It is located on a condensed part of the site at the back of the campus and required the demolition of the existing swimming pool and sports hall to free up valuable land for the new 5,500sqm development.

From the outset the 900sqm multi-purpose gym with indoor running track was designed to be a central hub within the SPACE and it occupies most of the ground floor. It is supplemented by a number of flexible student spaces to foster a relationship between the physical movement and the science behind it allowing teachers to combine the practical with the theory.

Jason Burnside, partner at Godwin Austen Johnson said: “Despite the difficulties of 2020 we are delighted with the completion of The SPACE which is testament to the effort of all those involved to deliver such a high-quality project on time and on budget. For the students and staff who returned in September after a long period away from the campus, the new facilities have enabled them to continue to safely learn and develop through sport and performing arts with renewed optimism.”


The ground floor is a new swimming facility which can be directly accessed from the outside without the need to go through the sports hall. It includes a 300-seat spectator viewing area, electronic touch timing system making it ideal for galas and other water sports events. On the first floor the 1,100sqm sports hall is designed for two basketball and two netball courts with retractable bleacher style seating for around 500 spectators.


The performing arts was also a key consideration for the SPACE with the creation of a black box drama performance space with seating for 140, drama rooms, music classrooms as well as music practice areas.

The SPACE_pool.

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